Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sitting down with my site supervisor

With school rapidly approaching, I took the time this week to sit down with my site supervisor and discuss my action research plan in detail. Several weeks ago, we agreed that an inquiry into the current campus tardy policy had the potential to benefit the entire school. After completing my draft action research plan, I was anxious to hear what my site supervisor thought. We discussed the timeline, and agreed that it would be beneficial to wait until the second six weeks to begin the process. The thought of starting a new school year, while adding more work to collaborating teachers was bothersome. This delay would also give us time to revise any potential problems with the action research plan, choose teachers who would supply us with the most accurate information, and educate those teachers on the specifics of the research plan. We also discussed the template that should be used for the teacher tardy logs and teacher journal entries. We agreed on a spreadsheet layout that would include all of the information needed, as well as provide the collaborating teachers the easiest way to input information on a daily basis. While discussing the importance of the student/teacher/administrator survey, we compiled a list of possible questions that could be included in that survey. We also decided that a survey on the concerns of the current tardy policy should be given to the entire faculty at the beginning of the research period, as well as a similar survey given to participating teachers at the end of research period. My site supervisor felt that the teachers involved in the research project might have a different opinion on the matter after spending six weeks focusing on the effects of the problem in their classroom. We also focused on trying to come up with a timeline following the six-week research period; including a timeline for evaluating qualitative data, analyzing quantitative data, and creating a proposal to change the current campus tardy policy. We desired to have the research project completed by the end of the third six weeks.

I feel that tardies affect so many secondary campuses, and I would love to have your input on how it affects your campus. I would also like to hear your thoughts and comments on my action research plan.

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